

"Лыжня Татарстана-2020" в Аксубаево
10-02-2020 “Skiing Tatarstan 2020” race in Aksubayevo

On February 8, 2020 in Aksubayevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan employees of Aksubayevsky branch of our company took part and won prizes in “Skiing Tatarstan 2020”, a now traditional mass ski race.

Лично-командное первенство АО «Татавтодор» по шахматам
10-02-2020 Individual and team chess championship in JSC “Tatavtodor”

Individual and team chess championship for JSC “Tatavtodor” staff was held on Fabruary 8, 2020 in Suburban branch of the company.

Внутреннее обучение инженерно-технических работников. Подготовка к строительному сезону 2020.
07-02-2020 Company training for engineers and technicians. Preparations for 2020 construction season. Professional training for engineering and technical personnel of the company, engaged in auto roads construction, reconstruction and repair, was organized in branches of JSC “Tatavtodor” on January 31 and February 04 and 06, 2020.
Турнир по настольному теннису в Нижнекамском филиале
27-01-2020 Table tennis tournament in Nizhnekamsky branch
A table tennis tournament for the employees of Nizhnekamsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” was organized this January.
Поздравляем с юбилеем Фаттахова Ахнафа Фаттаховича!
17-01-2020 Congratulations to Akhnaf F. Fattakhov on his jubilee!

Akhnaf F. Fattakhov, who was a War worker of the Great Patriotic War and now a pensioner of JSC “Tatavtodor”, turned 90 on January 2020.

С Новым годом!
31-12-2019 Happy New Year!

We wish you a Happy New Year!

May the New Year 2020 bring you success and wealth,

give you happiness and good health!

Let it be the year of new achievements and victories!

Утренники в филиалах АО "Татавтодор"
30-12-2019 Matinees for children in JSC “Tatavtodor”
Children of the employees of the company were invited to matinees dedicated to New Year celebration organized in branches of JSC “Tatavtodor”.
Новый год в Сабинском филиале
27-12-2019 New Year celebration in Sabinsky branch
The staff of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” took active part in New Year celebration events conducted by the administration of Sabinsky municipal district.
Готовность к зимнему периоду 2019-2020
01-11-2019 Preparation for winter period of 2019-2020
Equipment and production bases of JSC “Tatavtodor” have been successfully prepared and now ready for exploitation during winter period of 2019-2020.
Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за 2019 год
01-11-2019 Production of asphalt-concrete mix in 2019

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