

С 8 Марта!
07-03-2012 Congratulations on Women’s Day!
Dear Ladies, Our congratulations on International Women’s Day! We wish you love, happiness and good emotions on this spring day!
Сертификация на соответствие требованиям международных стандартов пройдена!
06-03-2012 ISO Certification complete
JSC “Tatavtodor” gained ISO certificates for international quality, ecology and safety management standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.
Монтаж асфальтосмесительной установки
22-02-2012 Asphalt-mixing plant mounting
February 12, 2012, in Kukmor area of Saby branch the mounting of "AMMANN GLOBAL - 160" asphalt-mixing plant was started.
Заседание коллегии Министерства транспорта и дорожного хозяйства РТ «Об итогах работы транспортного комплекса Республики Татарстан за 2011 год и задачах на 2012 год»
13-02-2012 Meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Transport and Road Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan “Summarizing the work of transport complex of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2011 and work planning for 2012”
The extended meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Transport and Road Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan “Summarizing the work of transport complex of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2011 and work planning for 2012” was held on February 11, 2012, where the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin took part.
Итоги спартакиады 2011
01-02-2012 Spartakiade 2011 results
At year-end 2011 the personnel of Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” won the regional Spartakiade of production companies teams with 1st prise in 12 sports.
Повышение квалификации по охране труда и технике безопасности
24-01-2012 Raising higher the Expertise in Labor Protection and Safety Engineering

From 15.01.2012 tî 22.01.2012 in Saint-Petersburg at the Inter-Branch Institute for Personnel Training «ÌÈÏÊÈ» the group of JSC “TATAVTODOR” labor protection engineers received special course of training on the program “Labor Protection and Safety Engineering”. 

Проведен сертификационный аудит
22-12-2011 Certification Audit

From 12-16 December 2011 the Certification body TUV Rheinland Group performed the certification audit  of Integrated Management System at the JSC “TATAVTODOR” for compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.

Навесной фрезерно-роторный снегоочиститель
09-12-2011 Mounting Rotor Snow Plough At the Kazan suburb Branch they started to operate a Mounting Rotor Snow Plough ZAUGG SF90-100-270, mounted at the Tractor FENDT 828 VARIO.

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