

Передовые технологии ремонта и реконструкции автомобильных дорог
27-07-2012 Modern technologies of repair and reconstruction of auto roads

A seminar dedicated to modern technologies of repair and reconstruction of auto roads was held at JSC “Tatavtodor” on July 25, 2012, where among other participants were representatives of JSC “Tradehouse “RASTOM”.

Семинар на тему : «Применение различных грунтоуплотняющих механизмов при строительстве и ремонте водопропускных труб»
13-07-2012 «Using of different soil stiffening machinery in building and reconstruction of water pipes» workshop
July 12, 2012 in Mamadyshsky branch a workshop was held for chief engineers and technicians of JSC “Tatavtodor”, who work in construction and repair of engineering structures. The theme of the workshop was «Using of different soil stiffening machinery in building and reconstruction of water pipes» on site “Repair of the auto road Mamadysh-Tulyachi km 68-+00-108+00 in Mamadyshsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan”.
Сезон 2012
05-07-2012 Season of year 2012 Construction season of year 2012 is in full swing.
Ввод в эксплуатацию новых термос-бункеров
13-06-2012 Commissioning of new asphalt hot boxes

This year at the end of May JSC “Tatavtodor” commissioned five Graber Baumaschinen (Switzerland) asphalt hot boxes.

Получено свидетельство на товарный знак
01-06-2012 Trademark certificate was received JSC "Tatavtodor" received the certificate for registered trademark, reg.#461071, on May 3, 2012.
Семинар-обучение на тему «Эксплуатация и обслуживание дорожно-строительной техники марки CATERPILLAR (CAT)»
24-05-2012 “Operation and Servicing of CATERPILLAR (CAT) Road-building Machinery” Workshop

May 23, 2012 in Apastovsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” a workshop was held dedicated to operation and servicing of CATERPILLAR (CAT) road-building machinery.

Празднование 67-ой годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне
12-05-2012 Celebration of 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
The staff of JSC “Tatavtodor” took part in the celebration of 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Cеминар по улучшению условий труда на рабочем месте
05-05-2012 Improvement of Working Conditions on site Seminar

May 3, 2012 in Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” a seminar on improvement of working conditions on sites was held.

Подготовка технических специалистов к работе в весенне-летний период
28-04-2012 Training of technical employees before works in spring-summer period
April 27, 2012 a workshop for technical employees as part of preparation for works in spring-summer period for JSC “Tatavtodor” technical engineers was held in Arsky branch.
Аттестация водителей ОАО «Татавтодор» на знание правил дорожного движения
28-04-2012 Drivers’ certification for traffic rules in JSC “Tatavtodor”
JSC “Tatavtodor” management ordered that all the drivers of the company should pass certification to confirm their knowledge of traffic rules to reduce the number of traffic incidents.

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