

Пополнение парка техники АО "Татавтодор"
26-01-2017 New machines in JSC “Tatavtodor” New multipurpose road machine KDM-V40-01 on VOLVO FM13 8x4В chassis was added to the equipment part of JSC “Tatavtodor” in January 2017.
Товарищеский матч по минифутболу между командами АО «Татавтодор» и ООО «Татнефтедор»
23-01-2017 Friendly minifootball game between teams of JSC “Tatavtodor” and “Tatneftedor” Ltd. A friendly minifootball game between teams of JSC “Tatavtodor” and “Tatneftedor” Ltd. was held January 21, 2017 in Mamadyshsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Обучение инженерно-технических работников в Мамадышском филиале АО «Татавтодор»
19-01-2017 Training for engineers and technicians in Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” Corporate training for engineers and technicians “Construction and maintenance of auto roads” was held January 18, 2017 in Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”.
С Новым годом!
30-12-2016 Happy New Year! We wish you a happy New Year!
Утренник в Аксубаевском филиале АО «Татавтодор»
30-12-2016 A matinee in Aksubayevsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” A pre-New Year matinee for children of the employees was held in Aksubayevsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”.
Новый год в Сабинском филиале
27-12-2016 New Year celebration in Sabinsky branch Workers of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” took active part in traditional pre-New Year events held by Sabinsky municipal district administration.
Семинар «Технологии мобильного сканирования Topcon. Система IP-S3  примеры практического применения в изысканиях, проектировании и обслуживании автодорог»
22-12-2016 “Topcon mobile scanning technologies. IP-3 system in siting, design and maintenance of roads” seminar “Topcon mobile scanning technologies. IP-3 system in siting, design and maintenance of roads” seminar was held December 20, 2016. The speakers were specialists from CSC “Geostroyisyskaniya”, a geodetic company. Specialists from geodetic service of JSC “Tatavtodor”, engineering and contracting companies of the Republic of Tatarstan, specialists from State public institution “Glavtatdortrans” and Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering took part in the seminar to discuss the following issues: - Introduction to the laser scanning technology and demonstration of the scanning system; - Laser scanning vs. standard geodetic methods of site investigation; - Laser scanning key features; - Examples of site investigations and planning in sites of the Republic of Tatarstan.
На круглосуточном дежурстве в борьбе со снежной стихией
16-12-2016 Fighting snow 24/7 JSC “Tatavtodor” provides quality and timely winter maintenance of the auto roads in the Republic of Tatarstan. More than 50 multipurpose road machines are on duty 24/7 and are ready to fight the snow every minute.
Обучение работников кадровых служб филиалов АО «Татавтодор»
14-12-2016 Training for personnel departments employees of JSC “Tatavtodor” “Labour legislation in 2016-2017” seminar was held December 08, 2016 in the administration of JSC “Tatavtodor”. The following issues were discussed: - Amendments to labour legislation: analysis of the amendments in force since 2016; - Special evaluation of the labour conditions in 2016: latest amendments; - Employment in 2017: planned amendments to the labour legislation; - Professional standards: legislation and practices for professional standards application; - Independent qualification estimation: is it necessary for both employer and employee? - New report: how to use software and new data; - Duty charts for winter period. Gratuity changes depending on the results; - Cases discussion and recommendations. After the seminar the participants passed a test to determine their qualification level.
Обучение сотрудников АО «Татавтодор» по программе повышения квалификации (часть 2)
13-12-2016 Professional development training for the employees of JSC “Tatavtodor” (part 2) Professional development training for the employees of JSC “Tatavtodor” was held November 22- December 01, 2016 at Interindustrial Institute for Staff Training and Information (MIPKI) in Saint-Petersburg, the main topic of the course was “Construction safety and construction inspection at extremely dangerous, technically demanding and unique sites”.

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